Yard Mole Removal

Unusual pest infestations are no reason to feel embarrassed. Pest infestations develop for several reasons. In most cases, these infestations are no fault of the homeowner. This is especially true with some of the more unusual pest infestations, such as moles. Yard mole removal does not have to be an invasive experience for homeowners. Understanding mole infestations and removal services can help make the ordeal less stressful.
Yard Mole Removal — Townsend's Mole Emerging from Underground in Atlanta, GA

Identifying the Pest

The first step toward yard mole removal is successfully identifying what type of rodent you are dealing with. To address your mole removal needs properly, a pest control expert will need to be certain that it is indeed moles that you have a problem with. 
Moles are small mammals. They primarily live underground, feeding on earthworms, ants, grub worms and similar small insects that also live in the soil. Moles can be identified for removal by their pointed, tiny snouts and large web-shaped paws which are used for digging underground burrows. Many species of moles appear to have no eyes. This is an easy way to identify moles for possible removal. Many people mistake moles for mice. The pointed snout and lack of visible eyes will help you know whether you need to seek mole removal or if you are dealing with a different type of rodent.

Infestation Risk

The reason it is important to seek mole removal services if you suspect you have a mole infestation is that moles can cause damage to your property. Moles are industrious diggers and spend most of their time creating underground tunnels. These underground tunnels provide travel routes for other rodents such as mice, which are also undesirable. In addition to this problem, yard mole removal is recommended because if these underground tunnels become extensive, they can cause a risk injury to people walking through your property. These tunnels weaken the surface ground causing individuals to step through into these tunnels which can result in foot and ankle injuries. Wildlife removal is especially recommended for homeowners who have elderly family members or very young children, as these individuals are the most at risk of injury.
Another hazard of mole infestations that can be solved through animal control is destruction to the tree root system and other plan root systems. When the moles burrow beneath the surface, they are removing necessary soil for the root systems of the trees and plants in your property. This is especially disturbing to gardeners. Animal control services can take care of this problem and allow the root systems of your trees and plants to reestablish themselves.

Successfully Removing a Mole in Your Yard

There are many home remedies for mole removal, however, the only sure way to rid your property of these pests is to seek the professional services of our Atlanta animal control experts. A pest control technician can visit your property and properly identify the rodent you believe to be a mole. If our technicians believe you do indeed have a mole infestation problem, they can establish a plan for quick and humane removal. Addressing a mole infestation early on, and seeking help quickly, can ensure that your mole infestation does not reach huge proportions causing damage to your property. Contact us today for our expert mole removal in Atlanta.
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